Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Waiting Game

The clocks ticks by the second, and I sit, merely watching, tapping along the milliseconds...

I wait to do things, like this post that was on my heart long ago, typed out, and never posted.
I was waiting. What was I waiting for??

Sometimes I'm horrible at waiting. So horrible that you'd think "Impatience" was really my middle name, and other times I'm a pro at waiting. (I mean, I'm a teacher. How can you NOT be patient to outlast a kid in one of their tantrums?) But sometimes, I'm so good at waiting that as time passes, it almost becomes "What are you waiting for?" to which my inner Disney's-Incredibles-modeled response would be, "I don't know. Something AMAZING, I guess!"

Well....that's not quite how life really works. Yes, the Lord does call on us to have patience and wait for his perfect timing, but I don't think he wants our waiting to be mistaken for idleness.

Even with that in mind, I keep waiting and waiting for "the right time" to do something. It's like I'm waiting for the stars to align with all 8 (still 9 to me) planets and a solar/lunar eclipse to happen before I do something that's (in the scheme of things) minimal...like tie my shoes or wash my car. Okay, so maybe not quite that extreme, but I wait to make a move.

I like to survey the land before going in for the strike (I've got The Lion King on my mind because we just watched it with the chillens). I wait...and wait...and wait some more, but then I remember a verse I came across in the middle of my stalemate with life (10 points for that high school history term?). "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done." Ecclesiastes 11:4 and verse 6 says "Be sure to stay busy and plant a variety of crops, for you never know which will grow- perhaps they all will."

The verse that hit me in the face at the (always) right time a year and a half ago

Those verses are part of what kick-started me onto roads that led to what I do now: teaching. We can pray and pray for him to move and do something, but if the only thing we're doing with our hands is holding the bucket waiting for him to fill it with blessings, we aren't goings to get very far. We can't stand around waiting for a fix-all.

There's a fine line between patient waiting and idleness. There's a fine line between being persistent and pushing for something and then forcing something.

I do think some of my waiting comes of out fear and anxiousness, which is not of the Lord. He didn't give us a spirit of fear or worry, so why am I letting those things lead some of my thoughts and actions? Anywho, more about all that later.